Hulu Gets a Ton of New Features, HTML5 Rejected

Hulu just got a whole lot better. A ton of new features have been added. My personal favorite is the thumbnail previews when you scroll along the progress bar. Hulu calls this seek preview. A lot of other new features have been added including adaptive streaming, so when your connection suddenly gets really slow the bitrate will be lowered, and there will be a lot less stuttering and buffering. You also get ad volume normalization, as Hulu likes to call it, which lowers the volume on loud ads so that you don't blow out your eardrums. A heat map is also available, so you can see which sections of the video that you are watching are the most popular. The Hulu player has also gotten bigger. It now has a native resolution of 720x404 so those 480p videos are no longer downscaled. The player is now also "chromeless", meaning that a lot of controls have been removed making the interface much cleaner. Some controls have also been moved so don't freak out when you cannot find the fullscreen button, it is one the bottom edge now. Some minor new features are advertising tailored specifically to you, more customization options, and more display options for closed captioning. Along with all of these new features, Hulu has also started talking about HTML5. They have said that they will not be supporting it because their player does more than just stream video. It also streams advertisements and ensures premium video quality, which, apparently, HTML5 cannot do. I think that Hulu's new look is a big improvement from what it was before.

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