Jawbone's Up Bracelet Will Track Everything Your Body Does, And Tell You What You're Doing Wrong

Most of us know Jawbone as a Bluetooth headset and speaker manufacturer, but it looks like they are trying to expand out of that industry. Their newest idea doesn’t relate to the audio industry at all; The Jawbone Up bracelet is a bracelet, as its name suggests, which tracks your sleep patterns, activity, and eating habits and then charts them and makes them available on a smartphone app. Also, the Up, when used in conjunction with your smartphone will provide “nudges,” which will be tips to help you live healthier. Unlike many of Jawbone’s other products, the Up won’t connect via Bluetooth, but rather via a wire. The information that the Up records will presumably allow you to see which of your daily habits are negatively affecting your health, and hopefully you will want to change them. The Jawbone Up bracelet works with an accelerometer to monitor your body 24/7, and is supposed to “make it social and make it fun.” I don’t really see what people’s fascination with tweeting how much they weigh is, but apparently the Jawbone Up is only supposed to make your health status public if you want it to. Otherwise you can just observe how unhealthy or healthy you are and keep it private. There aren’t very many details on the Jawbone Up available now, but we hope that more will be released soon. The device should be released “soon,” which we believe means withing this year, and will be “affordably” priced. It will also be available in a range of colors and won’t attract unnecessary attention. So, what do you think about the Jawbone Up?

1 comment:

  1. Jawbone is going to help a person lose weight just as long as he/she takes pictures of his food and be honest about eating.
    A flaw I see for this gadget is what if the person only ate half of the food? Will this be counted as a full calorie meal? or can we take a picture of the half meal that was left?


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